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b1tt0r trends
Want to know what everyone's talking about? Find out with b1tt0r trends! b1tt0r trends will use advanced statistical analysis of all users b1tt0r bitstreams
to determine the latest trends and the hotest topics. Here's a preview of what we expect b1tt0r trends to look like:
b1tt0r for smartphones
Want to update your b1tt0r bitstream on the go? b1tt0r for smartphones will let you post "beets" from wherever you are! While being able to send single bit
messages from your $200-$600 smartphone may have been inconceivable up until now, we are excited to announce that b1tt0r for smartphones is coming "soon". Note:
Due to the advanced 4096 bit encryption of your 1 bit update and your 1 bit password, b1tt0r for smartphones should only be used on WiFi connections.